Qigong is more that physical exercise, it;s about moving energy to promote health and wellbeing of our selves and others.
Some of the recent advice from qigong masters includes this writing from Shifu Yan Xin of KungFu.Life:
"Be present. And complete one movement. Don’t just do the movement whilst you are already thinking about what’s coming next.
Doing something whilst the mind has already gone to the next movement (place or task) means you are chasing the next thing without being truly present to the thing that is happening right now.
If we are always just thinking about next, next, next we are neither here nor there but just busy chasing one thing after the other.
Be present and fill the movement with your full capacity, THEN move onto the next one. Dedicate yourself to focus, and concentrate the effort you put in.
Only then can we connect body, mind and Qi. That’s how we create quality in the movement, and in the things we do.
Be present. And complete one movement."
"Sometime we just need to concentrate, find simplicity. More simple is better.
So often the things we think are important, are really not!
Finding clarity what we take in, being aware and choosing consciously. More clarity means more options. Keep looking inside yourself, and see what is really important.""
Kathryn Komidar & Bill Ryan of Toward Harmony Tai Chi & Qigong have the following advice:
" try this the next time you move, whether it's when you type, walk across the room, or exercise. Consciously seek a very rhythmical pattern. Then experiment with a more stuttered or jagged way of moving. Notice if the more rhythmical approach doesn't make you feel a little more full of life."
"Fall is yielding to Winter.
This has been happening both on the surface of and deep in the earth. The earth's and nature's energies are withdrawing and moving inward, bringing us the cold and quiet of Winter.
Most of us are not aware of how strongly affected our chi is by a seasonal shift such as this, whether it be from Fall to Winter or Spring to Summer. Since we are part of nature, when nature's energies shift, the energies in our bodies also shift and adjust.
In fact, we have to expend life energy in order to make these adjustments. Our internal energies are rearranged, and we have to grow comfortable with the new arrangement. Our adjustments are not as dramatic as those of animals such as bears that go into and out of hibernation, but we still have to make adjustments that take energy away from our normal activities.
This is why people often become unexpectedly tired during changes of seasons.
The best way to manage such transitions is to recognize that the seasons are changing and to relax into the process. Allow yourself to be tired and slow down your outer activities a bit - or even a lot - to compensate.
Once your system arrives comfortably into its new seasonal mode, then you should feel less tired and more in sync again."
Be present, find simplicity and relax. Words to live and practice by.
